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October 13, 2008


NYC club security

Santos Party House

[photo of Santos Party House by down by the hipster]

A quick comparison of two clubs in New York.

Cielo: I went two Fridays ago to see Nick Warren. Arrived at 11:00, line is already stretching down the block. Bouncers use a handheld scanner to verify my driver's license while I'm still standing out on the street. Once inside the building, the barcode on my ticket is scanned by another handheld reader, and more bouncers examine every purse, wallet, pocket, Altoids box, and lipgloss applicator very closely. They look carefully between every bill in every wallet. Everything is taking forever. A female bouncer puts her hands actually inside of my underwear. They appear to have drug testing equipment and every so often some of the kids trying to get in are abruptly escorted out.

Once I regain some sense of personal boundaries and get inside, there are some regular club kids dancing, and also a whole lot of guys in striped shirts and ties getting Grey Goose bottle service. The bar is a chaotic, heaving nightmare. Nick Warren is OK, but overall it's a stressful downer. Maybe Cielo should just hire El Al's elite security staff to work the door more efficiently. I used to like this place, too (at least on weeknights.)

Santos Party House: I went here last Saturday to see Z-Trip. Walked down an empty Lafayette Street at 11:30, right through the door, paid in cash, and was on the dance floor about 15 seconds after approaching the club. Didn't even get carded. The crowd was mixed in every way, everyone's dancing, and there's good beer on tap for $7. No line at the bathroom. A fun, completely easy night.

Maybe it's just that Cielo has been around since 2002 and the owners have seen many clubs get raided, and Santos is new enough that it hasn't yet (it opened in the Spring.) But when getting inside a club feels like intake processing at a federal detention center, that is not a good club.

categories: Music, NYC, Robot-on-the-Spot, War and Security
posted by amy at 5:23 PM | #

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Hey, nice blog. Just so you know, Cielo used to be real cool when the neighborhood was meatpacking Trannies (insert comment HERE), and lost some "street cred" when the $$ rollllled in. Trustfunders now make up the bulk of paid admissions; I'm surprised you saw any club kids. Also depends on the night. Francois K's parties are usually less stressful. However, a well-known house music singer was arrested recently for possesion of--wait for it--a joint. Is there a real Amy behind this, or just a savvy robot?

Posted by: Rik at October 20, 2008 12:25 PM

I had a great time at Cielo when I went on a Sunday night a couple of years ago. The neighborhood was already overrun and overdeveloped by then, and I guess it's only gotten worse over time. But thanks for the advice-- I can imagine the Francois K nights wouldn't exactly attract the kind of crowd that seems to go to clubs because they're convenient places to throw money around.

Posted by: Amy at October 20, 2008 5:35 PM

I'm very disappointed at the way Made Event and Cielo operated on 10/14. The security team stationed at the door was very unprofessional, very agitated, and very cowardice towards communicating. They should be ashamed of their behavior. The Lex Luthor look a like bouncer tells we "single guys" are not allowed in.(unprovoked) The irritable Black guy holding that line says the same. Than a few minutes later when questioned, he stated that we ARE getting in. When I stepped off the line to talk to his boss (another black guy with a suit), the line attendant was very offended by the fact that I addressed the suit and not he. The last time I checked this wasn't Red China! I can address whomever I please. This behavior is unacceptable and embarrassing.

I brought two friends to Manhattan specifically to go to Cielo and specifically for minimal techno. We love the sound and what better than to hear it on Cielo’s amazing sound system, but I digress. Last time I went to this venue to check out Par Grindvik and it was a smooth operation and the night was near perfect. Last night it was unfortunate about Paco, but it didn’t matter because we did not get in. WE CAME FROM ALLENTOWN, PA TO NYC FOR MINIMAL, not Cielo! I cannot go to Cielo anymore because this team has stymied me from wanting to support Made Event and give my hard working dollars to a club that treats its consumers like sheeple! I think that Cielo is going to have a problem if they do not get there act together and correct this behavior. I also fear for the safety of their security team. The type of behavior displayed will come back to haunt them. It only takes one nut job to cause a tragedy. Everyone has a breaking point and you don’t know when someone is going to snap.

Shame shame! I'm going to take my business elsewhere. Sorry Made Event!



Please review statements by former Cielo entertainment consumers.

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Sat, 15 Nov 2008 08:23 AM - edited: 15 Nov 2008 08:35
excuse my language, but WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT, first of all paco osuna didn't show up, it's ok weather problems i can understand that, adultnapper was playing all night so me and my friends said fuck it let's stay BUT no single guys were allowed to come in?? WHAT THE FUCK?? every little skanky coke snorting slut on the $400 bottle service line the security was just letting them in meanwhile people like me who aren't there for to do cocaine who actually know the music and who's playing, NO the security told all the guys in the line 'you're not coming in' my friend questioned him and the guard just told him to step off the line and actually threatened him WHAT THE FUCK??!! so this is why it's 3am and i'm at home writing this instead of having a good time, one girl got angry at waiting because it wasn't fair and yelled at the security guards and walked away, and the 'lex luthor' security just yelled at her 'you look good for a man!!' seriously man, this was nothing like the cielo i knew, the cielo from even 6 months back, why the fuck invest in such an awesome/ expensive booking such as paco osuna when you're not even letting the people who are actually there to see him inside the club?? cielo is slowly turning into SHIT first the searches and now not letting people in?? cielo seriously, get your shit together and talk to those pieces of shit who are working the door. it's not my style to complain about shit but some things just have to be said. THANK GOD FOR THE UNDERGROUND.....

175 reviews
18 Little West 12th Street
New York, NY
(212) 645-5700
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Cielo strips the nightclub experience down to its basic elements: music and dancing. This is not to say that there's no alcohol or difficult door; you can still find both a full bar and a long line at Cielo. What you won't see are any exclusive V.I.P. areas, much sitting room, or a lot of glitzy decor. In fact, the space is downright minimalistic, with just a bar, a couple of couches, and a dance floor. Still, Cielo does more with what they have than most other clubs do with a whole lot more. The walls are bare, save for bars of light that give the edges of the club a glow like in a furnace, while the central recessed dance floor is lit in a cool, dark blue. Then there is the phenomenal sound system which no one, no matter how big an audio nerd, could find fault with. There's no smoking inside, but smokers don't need to fear having to deal with the door again in order to get their fix- the club has a smoking patio. A music-lover's club, Cielo is only for those who want to dance the night away in style, no conversation needed. [-] Less

klb13 says:

I had emailed a week in advance about the night I wanted to have my 25th birthday party at Cielo. I informed them there would be 10 people there and we were interested in a table. "Shu de Jong" emailed me back and said $390 a bottle, minimum 3 bottles if we wanted a table. I said this was a little steep for me, so we wanted to know if we just went and didn't get a table, was there a guest list for the cover charge. He said no. Never mentioning that it would be bottle service only that night if we wanted admission into the club. I arrive to Cielo at 1030 on the night of my birthday party and the bouncers claim there is a private party going on until 1130. This is fine and we go to Buddha bar for some drinks in the meantime. We come back and stand in line for an HOUR and once we get the front, the bouncer says we can only be let in if we purchase at least 3 bottles ($390x3) and we are taken aback. The bouncer continues to yell at us until we "step aside". As I am upset, the bouncers continue to yell at us and tell us we can't even stand in front of the club while we figure out what we are going to do now. "Shu du jong", who I had been emailing earlier in the week, comes up and says he has us down for three bottles and a table! We never asked for that!!!! Cielo may be claimed as a great NYC club, but I will NEVER EVER go back there ever again. The customer service is horrific and it's nothing but some overly confident too hot on themselves jerks who are rude and treat others who don't want to drop thousands of dollars at their establishment as peons. You are so much better off going to any other club in the city- Cielo is a waste of your time and hard earned money.

A quick comparison of two clubs in New York.

Cielo: I went two Fridays ago to see Nick Warren. Arrived at 11:00, line is already stretching down the block. Bouncers use a hand held scanner to verify my driver's license while I'm still standing out on the street. Once inside the building, the barcode on my ticket is scanned by another hand held reader, and more bouncers examine every purse, wallet, pocket, Altoids box, and lipgloss applicator very closely. They look carefully between every bill in every wallet. Everything is taking forever. A female bouncer puts her hands actually inside of my underwear. They appear to have drug testing equipment and every so often some of the kids trying to get in are abruptly escorted out.

Once I regain some sense of personal boundaries and get inside, there are some regular club kids dancing, and also a whole lot of guys in striped shirts and ties getting Grey Goose bottle service. The bar is a chaotic, heaving nightmare. Nick Warren is OK, but overall it's a stressful downer. Maybe Cielo should just hire El Al's elite security staff to work the door more efficiently. I used to like this place, too (at least on weeknights.)

Santos Party House: I went here last Saturday to see Z-Trip. Walked down an empty Lafayette Street at 11:30, right through the door, paid in cash, and was on the dance floor about 15 seconds after approaching the club. Didn't even get carded. The crowd was mixed in every way, everyone's dancing, and there's good beer on tap for $7. No line at the bathroom. A fun, completely easy night.

Maybe it's just that Cielo has been around since 2002 and the owners have seen many clubs get raided, and Santos is new enough that it hasn't yet (it opened in the Spring.) But when getting inside a club feels like intake processing at a federal detention center, that is not a good club.
Upsetting night

10/23/2008 Posted by jsn151

i thought i would never have to give a bad review to this club, but sad to say i will never be coming back to this place after getting disrespected and embarrassed at the door. i knew all the doormen and everyone inside. i walked into a full on frisk and search of me and my friends handbags. we obviously didn't have anything. but the woman who was frisking my friend wouldn't let us in and on top of it had nothing to prove that we had anything. and we didn't!! way to let innocent good looking girls not in your club b.c you THINK we are guilty of something and have nothing to show for it. we don't do anything illegal. she looked at her chap stick and then kicked us out saying we are not allowed in the club. what the h*** is going on with this club?? this used to be my favorite club. i got embarrassed by all the people i know at the door and my friends outside who thought i brought something illegal in or whatever. and i didn't. lesson for next time Cielo if you are accusing someone of something maybe you should actually tell the person or show the person what they have that is not letting them in the place. I'm left baffled still 2 days later b/c we don't understand what happened. i could go on about this forever but ill leave it at that. Ridiculous

Pros: used to be a great club

Cons: now u get swift at the door with security who judge you


Category: Dance Clubs
Neighborhoods: Manhattan/West Village, Manhattan/Meatpacking District
2 star rating
It might be because it's my first time to a NYC club but this is my feedback:

*My drink tab for three drinks-$36

~The BAD~
*Having to wait in an artificial line for 30 minutes
*Finding out the place was empty when entering
*$20 entry fee
*Requirement of a girl for every guy to be allowed in

*The few people that were in there
*The bathroom
*Some of the decor

I admit there were a few good things like good sound system, okay ambience, and the crowd did start coming in after a while but I can't help but feel ripped off.

CIELO Door Policy - Craig Richards Last Friday

I actually have not had a chance to hear Craig play live so I wanted to go to Cielo last Friday. I got to the door with my buddy around 1130 pm and there were only 3 others in line since it just opened.

Long story short - they asked if we wanted a bottle and a table. Since I did not want that they said we could not come in. Has it been like that for long. I have never had that happen. Whats the story??

I spoke with a few people later at Sullivan (3-4am) and they said Cielo was not near full.

Posted by: Lee at November 15, 2008 4:59 PM

You all really need to get a life and stop being such whiny pussys. . We're in NYC in 2008-2009. Everyone checks id's and a lot of places do a light search for drugs. If you can't handle that then go back to your 1 bedroom share in Williamsburg and smoke weed out of a Bud Light can and put on your headphones. Who are you people? what's with the entitlement issues? I've found in my years (being that club kid) that we need to go to places for the music and not to buy bottles but I continue to go to places like Cielo because of their line up and MADE Events specifically.
Word of advice: Leave your drugs at home, bring a girl and a $20 bill to pay the cover charge and shut up and enjoy yourself for once.

Posted by: jason henry at December 4, 2008 11:14 AM

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