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January 12, 2009

Ladies fall for "You Light Up My Life" every time
The Daily News has a story today about Joseph Brooks, a man who wrote the 1977 love ballad "You Light Up My Life", made popular by Debbie Boone and used as the title song in his show biz/romance movie of the same name, which Brooks wrote and directed.
These days, the 70 year-old Brooks is using his apparently durable fame to lure aspiring actresses to his apartment via Craig's List ads, promising to show them the Oscar he won for the song and give them parts in his next movie, then drugging and raping them. He's allegedly committed 5 such assaults over the past two years. Gross.
Maybe he was inspired by Jared Harris' use of the song in Todd Solondz's Happiness, in which his Russian cab driver character's acoustic rendition effortlessly sweeps a love-struck Jane Adams into bed.
Here's the video (involves sex, NSFW):
Here's a video of Debbie Boone singing the song at the Grammys.
Crime, Movies, Music, Sex
posted by amy at 4:45 PM | #
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Great post! Just wanted to let you know you have a new subscriber- me!
Posted by: JakeHilfter at June 8, 2009 9:33 AM