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January 9, 2009

My First Tilt-Shift
There are some great examples of the tilt-shift photography miniaturizing effect at the Met's current exhibit, "Reality Check", with Naoki Honjo's "Tokyo, Japan" photo [thanks, DLK Collection]. And probably everybody saw yesterday's BoingBoing post about a website that approximates tilt-shifting with any photo you upload, TiltShift Maker.
I tried it with a couple of shots--fun! But as with all kinds of photography, I'm not very good at it. The online program seems to work best with shots of landscapes or groups of people that have a foreground, middle ground, and background.
Miniaturized Andy Goldsworthy stone wall at Storm King:
Miniaturized stage set-up at the Bridgeport Brewing Company in Portland:
Arts and Crafts, Technology
posted by amy at 9:34 AM | #
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Thanks! Yeah, the hardest part in using this site seems to be selecting a picture that has lots of relatively small objects in it at varying distances, whether it's a crowd or people or bales of hay or whatever. Those pics seem to work better.
Posted by: Amy at January 17, 2009 10:42 AM
A little late on commenting, but I love your experimentation with 'fake model' photography. Your 2nd shot is really great. I'm inspired to try it myself.
It's amazing how just changing the depth of field on a photo gives the viewer such a different perception of scale. And it saves a lot of money on having to actually build models. Heh.
Posted by: ORStylee at January 16, 2009 9:35 AM