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January 26, 2009


Who'dat?™: Sundance edition

Sundance ended on Saturday, with many celebrities attending screenings and walking around Utah smoking Marlboros.

To play today's Who'dat?™, look at the photo below and try to guess who it is. Then click on the photo to see if you're right.


A few of the notable movies at Sundance this year:

  • Spread, featuring Ashton Kutcher as a hot young Hollywood stud sleeping his way into the homes of older rich ladies, with tons of nudity and sex.
  • Ewan McGregor and Jim Carrey falling in love in prison in I Love You Phillip Morris.
  • We Live in Public, a documentary about early internet entrepreneur/celebrity/over-sharer Josh Harris, whose experiments with living his life online went great until he lost his money, mind, and finally "disappeared to an apple farm upstate." Here's a David Carr article about it.
  • Push, the big winner of the festival, featuring your new favorite indie actress Mo'Nique as the teenage girl character's mother, "one of the most tragic and despicable villains, maybe, in all of cinema," according to the Spout review.

  • categories: Celebrities, Movies, Who'Dat?
    posted by amy at 2:52 PM | #

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    Yeah! I got one, though I really hesitated for a bit (and got distracted by those dishevelled blinds in the window).

    I like how Who'dat swapped out his signature headgear for a more Robert Redford-esque chapeau. Probably helps skirt any collared-shirt requirements at the festival.

    Posted by: ORStylee at January 27, 2009 2:17 AM

    I got it!!! It was the nose ring.

    Posted by: esskay at January 27, 2009 12:12 PM

    OK, I guess this one isn't that hard. The newsboy hat and pulled-back hair seemed a little out of character for me, but clearly, big boots, leather jacket, cigarette, and aviators are the signature look.

    Posted by: amy at January 27, 2009 1:32 PM

    Don't sell yourself short, Robot. I was convinced it was Brad Pitt.

    By the way - kids named London and Cash? Named after where they were conceived or why their mothers had sex with their father? Oh, it was too easy.

    Posted by: T-Rock at January 27, 2009 6:28 PM

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