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July 18, 2011


New Yorkers love women's soccer

US women's soccer fans in Germany

Despite the enthusiasm of its adoring fans (above), the US Women's Soccer team lost to Japan in yesterday's final in a really well-played but terribly unlucky match. But even if they didn't win, the ladies of US soccer got a lot of love from the sports fans. I watched the game in a crowded New Jersey beach bar, and there was as much table-pounding, high-fiving, and screaming at the TV screen as when professional men's sports are on. I defy anyone who thinks soccer is boring to watch the second half of that game and just try to refrain from pumping their fists in the air.

Also: I walked through Times Square this evening and tried to pass the W Hotel on 47th Street, but was blocked by about 15 cops who were trying (unsuccessfully) to check reporters' credentials, block rush hour traffic, and hold back swarms of people who were pushing up against inadequate barricades, all holding their phones in the air and trying to take pictures of what had to be some very important people standing outside the hotel.

Wait, that's Abby Wambach! There they were! The US Women's Soccer team in their warm-up suits, standing on the sidewalk, giving interviews, hugging teenage girls, and generally causing complete mayhem by their presence.

After being hustled across the street by some cops, who looked like they were in over their heads, I came upon two less mobbed non-Hope Solo players standing outside Starbucks, signing autographs for somewhat calmer fans. Stephanie Cox and another player who I've so far been unable to identify (possibly Lauren Cheney?) graciously posed for a picture and thanked me for watching.

US Soccer team in Times Square

Wooo! USA! Canada 2015!

categories: NYC, Robot-on-the-Spot, Sports, Women
posted by amy at 7:56 PM | #

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Wow, now we finally know what you look like. Not bad.

Posted by: ADM at July 18, 2011 9:21 PM

Surprise! Should have Photoshopped Mila Kunis in.

Posted by: amy at July 18, 2011 11:13 PM

Booya! Nihon Ganbarimashita! Everyone is going mental here (in Japan). My wife Kuniko was up at 3AM to watch the game, like so many others. Gender inequality is so bad in Japan that it makes America look like the fabled land of the Amazons, so it's quite nice to see everyone so excited about a women's sports victory.

On the news tonight the national sports minister admitted that the women succeeded in spite of the rather anemic financial support given women's sports, and promised to rectify that inequity in the future. Nothing succeeds like success, huh?

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to get the patio furniture in, 'cuz we're about to get whacked by a typhoon. Oh, and please accept our most humble apologies for kicking your ass :-)

PS Why is "women's" being marked as incorrect??

Posted by: Tim at July 19, 2011 6:49 AM

I was truly glad for the Japanese team because of what I imagine it's like to be a female athlete in Japan.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that there's nothing like Title IX over there. Or what an American would recognize as feminism. Watching Sawa running across the field after her goal with that huge excited smile made me so happy.


Posted by: amy at July 19, 2011 9:29 AM

Oh, and might I add that you're looking good, girlfriend! I, on the other hand, am looking more and more like Tor Johnson every day. Well, in a sense that means I look like a movie star, right?

Posted by: Tim at July 19, 2011 7:18 PM

Our Hero unmasked while meeting America's latest heroes. How exciting! I'm especially impressed by the continued celebration of the US team, even after losing the final. What a fantastic run they made.

I remember feeling terribly heartsick after watching the Japanese men lose in PKs at the 2010 World Cup, and this win gets some of that back. So brava, even if it's at the expense of the U.S.

But I hadn't thought much about the inequality women face in Japan in relation to this victory, so I appreciate that insight. I imagine soccer has a much higher status there than in the U.S., so I'm hopeful earning this title will have longer term benefits for female Japanese athletes.

If it's good for women and good for the sport, then good.

Posted by: ORStylee at July 20, 2011 3:55 AM

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