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November 2, 2011

Justin Bieber's paternity suit, as reported by the girl's grandfather
The day has arrived: Justin Bieber's been hit with his very first paternity suit and, according to the AV Club, "is a man now." He's also getting mental high-fives from Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Lil Wayne, Tiger Woods, Mel Gibson, and Steven Soderbergh. Welcome to the club!
There aren't many surprises to this one (he denies even meeting her, girl says it lasted a mere 30 seconds--hey, he was a busy then-16 year-old with places to be!)
But my favorite part of the story is that some reporter wrote up an interview with the girl's grandfather. A 20 year-old woman in LA says she had backstage sex with Justin Bieber and gave birth to his son. The world wants to know: what does her grandfather think?
Here's what the grandfather Eddie Markhouse thinks, a beautiful example of how people have nothing but wonderful things to say about their family members even when they're in the news for allegedly having sex with underage pop stars backstage: "I don't know the whole story. But, from what I understood, she met him at a concert and he sent two security guards down off of the stage to bring her backstage to meet him. She said they partied, had some drinks and they indulged in sex … She's basically an honest good person. She's got a big heart. She's a good kid and she loves this baby."
Celebrities, Music, Sex
posted by amy at 5:30 PM | #
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Ha, yes he does!
Advice for aspiring teen idols: style yourself like a smart, pretty, butch lesbian.
Posted by: amy at November 10, 2011 4:25 PM
Wow, he really, really, really looks like Rachel Maddow in that pic.
Posted by: That Fuzzy Bastard at November 8, 2011 5:25 PM