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March 7, 2012

Sue Simmons and NBC
WNBC, New York's NBC affiliate, has announced that they won't be renewing the contract of their beloved 30 year news anchor Sue Simmons.
[Obligatory response to NBC:] The fuck are you doing?!
See one of my favorite TV clips, from a memorable news promo from 2008:
In a statement, the station said, "We have tremendous respect and admiration for Sue Simmons. For decades, Sue has been a critical part of New York's longest-tenured anchor team in the city and has more than earned her iconic status."
You know what goes a long way in earning iconic status? Swearing on the air. It's not just that she (accidentally) swore during a promo for the news, it's that she did it with such bravado and flair. No timid cursing for Sue Simmons! That incident, and her open, authentic style on the air, make her seem so funny and appealing. We'll miss her.
UPDATE: The Times has an adoring professional-obituary for Sue Simmons on today's front page!
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