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March 7, 2012


Amy's Robot turns 10, suffers midlife crisis

10 years old

Well, it's been 10 years of watching TV, going to the movies, following fluffy political gossip and serious celebrity news, and guessing which famous person is older. Hooray!

It's hard to imagine that 10 years ago, the world wasn't yet flooded with countless websites about pop culture and celebrities and the crazy world we live in. But now it is, and here we still are, doing exactly the same thing as back then. That's the power of brand consistency.

Looking back, I'm not coming up with much in the way of "accomplishments", so instead, let's consider some of the pitfalls other blogs have succumbed to that Amy's Robot has heroically avoided. None of us have lost our jobs due to unscrupulous posts about our bosses. We've technically never lost an advertiser. No Washingtonienne-style sex scandals (still trying!) or embarrassing failed book deals. No Homeland Security investigations (we love America, please don't arrest us) or attacks by Anonymous. I'll take lack of catastrophe as a substitute for actual achievement.

So thanks, everyone, for reading. A tip of my hat to That Fuzzy Bastard, Tim, T-Rock, ooghe, ORStylee, Colin, essbeekay, and Matt S for your many smart and funny comments. Emily and Cushie for years of collaboration, and special acknowledgement to ADM for co-surrogate-birthing this weird little baby.

Now to figure out what to do for the next 10 years, besides my eternal dream of making Who's Fatter?™ into a regular feature.

categories: Announcements, Culture, Media
posted by amy at 10:40 AM | #

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Well, let me just say thank you for tipping me off about a variety of stuff over the years. Just got the first seasons of Downton Abbey and The Borgias. Yes, on DVD.


Grandpa Tim

Posted by: Tim at March 9, 2012 11:10 PM

I came for the MP3s, I stayed for the movie reviews!

Posted by: That Fuzzy Bastard at March 11, 2012 2:54 AM

Here's to another decade of wit, candor, and catastrophe avoidance!

Posted by: emily's dad at March 12, 2012 3:00 PM

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