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June 4, 2012

Who'dat?™: On-screen grit, off-screen glam
In today's edition of Who'dat?™, we consider an actress whose look in her movie career bears pretty much no resemblance to her look as created by stylists for the red carpet. The photo below was taken at a recent movie premiere, but it had me completely stumped.
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[tx ADM!]
I like this actress a lot and am glad to see her get more high-profile movies this year. Click below for news on her upcoming movies, which look like they'll be some wonderful combination of lurid, salacious, and bizarre.
Noomi Rapace has been in only a handful of movies that anyone outside of Sweden has probably seen: the original Swedish version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and its sequels, and the second Sherlock Holmes movie. You've probably seen the Prometheus trailer and its clips of Noomi Rapace as a space explorer who unwittingly disturbs scary space creatures, and also that shot of her staggering wounded through a spaceship chamber in a white bandage underwear outfit (which looks strangely impractical for space travel--don't they have regular bras in the future?) Prometheus is probably her biggest movie yet, and definitely her largest role in a US release, but she's got a lot of other stuff coming down the pipeline.
The most obviously interesting one is Passion, which has three notable characteristics: it's by Brian De Palma, it's a murderous revenge movie, and its IMDb page includes this screenshot:
That's Rachel McAdams on the left--who also appeared with Noomi Rapace in the Sherlock Holmes movie. Given than Brian De Palma only makes a decent movie every 10 years or so, separated by disasters like Snake Eyes, and his two most recent movies were the unwatchable Black Dahlia and the fake-doc flop Redacted, maybe his movie wheel of fortune is back on the upswing again.
Noomi Rapace is also making a thriller called Dead Man Down with Colin Farrell and Isabelle Huppert, by the director of the first (and best) Swedish Dragon Tattoo movie. And something called Knockout, which is about "the storied career of Swedish boxer Bosse Högberg and his romance with cabaret singer Anita Lindblom." Storied! Yes! That one allegedly co-stars her ex-husband Ola Rapace, and is directed by the sometimes-great, sometimes-disappointing Catherine Hardwicke. Weird.
It's hard to say if any of these movies will be any good, but they're all strange, risky, interesting choices for Ms. Rapace, and I'm glad she's in demand.
Celebrities, Movies, Who'Dat?
posted by amy at 12:22 PM | #
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