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November 11, 2003

Joe Millionaire: The Long Last Gasp

Ever since Czech beauty Linda took herself out of the running on this show, there really hasn't been much of a reason to watch it, since David just seemed to be trying to convince himself that he was interested in the remaining ladies. If the show was to hold your interest at all, it was because of the cruel antics of Olinda, the potty-mouthed, gold-digging Swede. Last night, Fox aired two consecutive episodes of Joe Millionaire, International Edition, a move which seems to indicate they just want to be done with it as soon as possible, due to its poor ratings. They should have aired three in a row.
Over the course of the two episodes, Olinda, who is so obnoxious you can't even stand it, picked on Cat so much that Cat went back to her bed and started crying. But it was Cat who hooked up with Cowboy Dave on their date and snuck back into his room while all the other girls were sleeping, a brilliantly calculated move. Eventually, after what felt like 6 hours of Millionaire (even though I fast-forwarded through most of it), David (who seemed oblivious to Olinda's cruel ways) eliminated Olinda, leaving Cat and two very beautiful (but otherwise non-descript) girls behind.
And now, officially, there is no reason left to watch this show, unless you're the sort of person who likes flavorless yogurt for dessert.