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May 13, 2005

Lindsay Shrivels
This summer brings the next feature movie starring America's favorite girl-next-door, the lovable Lindsay Lohan. Remember how spunky and cute she was in Freaky Friday and Mean Girls? The girl has real talent and an effervescent charm that is just about irresistible.
Herbie: Fully Loaded comes out on June 22 and, frankly, it looks like worthless trash. But check out how cute Lindsay looks!
The irony is, of course, that since this film wrapped, Lindsay's position in the celebrity universe has changed, as has her lifestyle. While audiences will be charmed by that fresh-faced teenager on screen this summer, they'll doubtless be confused by the image that will face them next weekend on SNL.
It might be hard to tell, but Lindsay is the one on the left. [And yes, she appears to be transforming into Paris Hilton. -Emily]
As part of our commitment to providing added value to our readers, we have taken this image of Lindsay and run it through our Paris Hilton-ification Image Projection Visualizer, and it generated a forecast of what Lindsay will look like in 15 years, given her current trajectory.
Here it is.
Beware, Lindsay! And lay off the crystal meth.
Celebrities, Movies, TV
posted by amy at 2:27 PM | #
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