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May 16, 2005

Sabrina Harmon: Soldier. Lesbian. Yoo-Hoo Drinker.
At today's trial of Sabrina Harmon, who you may remember from the Abu Ghraib Photo Album, Sabrina did not speak in her own defense. But her lover, Kelly Bryant, did get on the stand and read from a letter that Sabrina wrote to her from Iraq in October 2003. "At first I thought it was funny, but these people are going too far," Sabrina wrote in her letter. "Kelly, it's awful. I thought I could handle anything, but I was wrong."
Unfortunately for Sabrina, it turns out that her letter was written a few days before the first instance of abuse that she is accused of committing.
Here's a picture of Sabrina not thinking it's funny.
Here's one of her not being able to handle it.
Wonkette has a funny bit on Harmon's trial and spelling skills.
Crime, Media, War and Security
posted by amy at 3:53 PM | #
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I know this is wrong, but she is hot.
Posted by: Rachel at May 16, 2005 4:28 PM
this girl is out of line. I hope she gets the same treatment she gave those prisoners one day. she does not deserve the honor of even calling herself an american let alone a soldier. she said she couldn't handle it yet there's numerous photos with her thumbs up smiling from ear to ear with abused and murdered prisoners. she is no better then suddam himself. sabrina if you read this shame on you I hope you feel like the biggest piece of crap for the rest of your life and I hope this forever haunts you. even take away the horrible things she did she then tried to pass all the blame on all her buddies so she's also a deceiving cunt. i wish nothing more then a horrible fate for her
Posted by: melissa at May 19, 2009 8:43 PM
Sabrina Harmon's lesbianism is totally irrelevant
OTOH definitely not condoing her transgressions at the notorious Abu Ghrabib prison. The immoral acts d one by the military interagators was inexcusable. However to site Harmon being a lesbian is as relevant as mentioning Hitler's unsuccessful painting career.
Posted by: Lynda at February 10, 2010 7:34 PM
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