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May 26, 2006

Victoria Principal, "Skin Care Queen" +
One of our favorite sources for link, the World Entertainment News Network (WENN), which provides the daily gossip for IMDB, today ran an item that starts like this:
Actress-turned-skin care queen Victoria Principal has filed for divorce from her husband of 21 years...
But next to it is a picture of a woman who looks nothing like Victoria Principal! Have a look:
Queen of skin care? Are you kidding me?? It looks like the only skin care she's had is the Katherine-Helmond-in-Brazil Brow Lift™ she got from her favorite plastic surgeon.
And who is her favorite plastic surgeon? Why, according to the item posted above, it's -- surprise! -- her HUSBAND whom she is divorcing after 21 years. This guy must've gone to the Arkham Asylum School of Plastic Surgery. Just to keep things in perspective, take a look at the "before" picture.
So here's old Victoria Principal, touting her great skin care products, all the while getting nipped, tucked, stretched, sliced, and diced by her husband. Gross.
Here's a tip, ladies (and gentlemen): "Younger" and "Permanently Surprised" are not the same thing. I'm talking to you, Nancy Pelosi!
- Pelosi denies getting "facelifts," but she might be arguing semantics here. I think she got a "brow lift."
- WENN carries this great item today: "Former Dallas star Victoria Principal's estranged husband has attacked the actress for making him look like a monster after filing for divorce." Haha, but he made her look like a monster before their divorce!
posted by adm at 12:50 PM | #
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