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February 5, 2008

It's Primary Day!
Even De Niro has endorsed Obama, although his speech was a bit awkward:
"Barack Obama does not have the experience to be president of the United States," he began, evoking a pantomime "Boo!" from the crowd. "I can prove it. He wasn't experienced enough to vote to authorise the invasion of Iraq."
If Oprah, Caroline Kennedy, Michael Chabon and Craig Newmark didn't sway you, surely Robert De Niro will.
On the other hand, as of Friday, Snoop Dogg was still undecided.
Celebrities, Politics
posted by Cushie at 12:20 AM | #
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Sarcasm is tricky in political speeches, Bobby. Just stick to classics like "When you got an all-out prizefight, you wait until the fight is over, one guy is left standing. That's how you know who won."
Posted by: amy at February 5, 2008 11:19 AM