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April 15, 2008

Tax Day: It's on like a pot of neck bones
Today's a good day to pause and think about the Official Tax Preparer of Amy's Robot, Mo' Money Taxes. You should probably take the time to go and watch all of their brilliant commercials, featuring words of wisdom such as "yesterday I had no money, but today I got mo' money because of Mo' Money Taxes and it's on like a pot of neck bones!"
Another great thing about Mo' Money Taxes is their clever, subtle use of scare tactics:
Here you see three black women being tied up by thuggish white guys who work for a nasty Other Tax Company and are going to take all of their money. Good thing they can go to Mo' Money Taxes instead!
The latest ad is known as Mo' Money Vice which is like Miami Vice, but with more taxes and more bootyliciousness.
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