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June 17, 2014


Who'dat?™ & Who's Older?™

Today we bring you a special crossover episode of Who'dat?™ and Who's Older?™, your favorite unrecognizable celebrities game.

First: take a look at this photo, and try to identify who it is. Click on the photo to see if you're right.


Next: Is the bronzed celebrity above older or younger than Malin Akerman? (Hint!: bathing-suited celebrity is not Malin Akerman.)

For reference, here's a recent Malin photo:

Malin Akerman

Who's older? Ms. Photoshop above, or Malin Akerman? Click on the names to check their ages.

categories: Celebrities, Who'Dat?, Who's Older?
posted by amy at 2:54 PM | #

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