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September 17, 2007


Esther and Shimon, BFF

L'shanah Tovah, Madge

In celebration of the Jewish New Year, Madonna has been "talking peace" with Shimon Peres. Madonna, Guy, and Shimon reportedly met for two hours , surely enough time to hash out a peace plan.
Apparently, Orthodox Rabbis are disgusted by her whole visit to Israel:

""It is a known fact in Kabbala that impurity and evil are inherently attracted to sanctity," said a director of one of the most respected Kabbala yeshivot in Jerusalem who preferred that he and his institution remain anonymous.

"That's why people of Hollywood, a place of iniquity and lasciviousness, are naturally attracted to the holiness of Kabbala."

categories: Celebrities, Religion
posted by Cushie at 11:27 AM | #

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