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January 29, 2009

Lilly Ledbetter- The Little Lady Who Stood Up
Ledbetter recorded a tough attack ad for Obama, quoting McCain opposing the Fair Pay Act, saying that women "just need education and training."
Now Ledbetter's name will be associated with this breakthrough for equal pay. When the bill passed the senate, she said "I'm so excited I can hardly stand it." This in spite of the fact that she still won't get the back pay a jury tried to award her. As Gail Collins points out, the current situation was ridiculous: "Let us pause briefly to contemplate the chances of figuring out your co-workers’ salaries within the first six months on the job."
From all of us, thanks Lilly.
Gender, Politics, Work
posted by Cushie at 4:22 PM | #
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It seems the pin is a working woman with a red brief case, because women are still in the red:
But now I need to know where to get one.
There's a nice close up here, it might be two pins:
Posted by: cushie at January 29, 2009 4:59 PM
Lilly Ledbetter's speech was one of the highlights of the DNC. She was eloquent and heartbreaking. It disgusted me that all the cable networks (at least CNN and MSNBC) showed talking heads rather than let the public hear a woman speak who suffered a serious harm based on a terrible inequity in U.S. law, and it showed that for them politics is just a game, not something that should really be about making regular people's lives better.
Posted by: T-Rock at January 29, 2009 7:29 PM
I love Lilly Ledbetter, I love her roots and her overbite and her accent. And I love this pin she had on today!
What is it, some kind of sassy working-lady pin?
Posted by: amy at January 29, 2009 4:53 PM